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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Pokemon Fire Red System : GameBoy Advance Date Added : 2004-10-09 16:41:30 Views : 24395 How to find the legendary bird pokemon There are three legendary bird pokemon. Their locations are as followed: Articuno: found in the seafoam islands, requirements: HMsurf, HMstrength Zapdos: found in the power plant, requirements: HMsurf Moltress: found in the cave by cerulean city, requirements: all HM's, beaten the elite four Mystery Gift Go into any Pokemon Center and go to the Clipboard by the Shop Owner. Go to it and you can put in 4 words. Put in the words "Link Together With All." The Shopkeeper will notice this and give you access to the Mystery Gift system. Now save your game and reset and when you go to re-load it will be right below "New Game." Unlimited way to stop Sleeping After get the Pokéflute. Use it in battle when a Pokémon from your side is asleep. It will awake so you doesn't need "Awakening" anymore. You can use it as much as you can! Johto Pokémon Some Johto Pokémon are available on the Rainbow Islands. However, they are not available until you have beaten the Elite Four and become champion, and received the National Pokédex. Unlock the National Dex in Ruby and Sapphire Trade a Pokémon between Fire Red and Ruby/Sapphire (after you have unlocked the National Pokédex in Fire Red) to unlock the National Pokédex on Ruby/Sapphire. Legendary Pokémon Entei, Suicune, and/or Raikou will appear in the wild on the lands of Kanto after you have beaten the Elite Four and become Champion. However, only one will appear according to your starter: Squirtle - Raikou Bulbasaur - Entei Charmander - Suicune Completing the Pokédex Trade with Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire, Pokémon Colosseum, and Leaf Green to complete the Pokédex. Old Moves Available Some of the old moves are available to teach to your Pokémon. Here are a few of them and their locations [they will be taught by characters around these areas]: Mega Kick/Mega Punch: Obtained outside of Mt. Moon, Cerulean Exit, by two men. Seismic Toss: Obtained through the back entrance of Pewter Museum from a scientist. Rock Slide: Obtained near the end of Rock Tunnel from a boy. Softboiled: Obtained by a man across the pond in Celadon City. Mimic: Obtained in Mimic Girl's house in Saffron City after you've given her a Pokédoll. Thunder Wave: Obtained by a woman on the 2nd floor of the Sliph Co. building. Counter: Obtained from a man located in Celadon's City Department Store 3rd floor. Subtitute: Obtained from a man located infront of the Kangaskhan pen in Fuschia City. Dream Eater: Obtained from a man across a pond in Viridian City. Metronome: Obtained from a scientist in the second room of the Cinnibar Laboratory in Cinnibar Island. Double-Edge: Obtained from a guy near the end of Victory Road. Explosion: Obtained from a Hiker on the Northern area of Rainbow Island 1. Elemental Attacks (Blast Burn, Frenzy Plant, and Hydro Cannon): Obtained from a move tutor in Rainbow Island 2. However, he will only teach your stater Pokémon one of these attacks according to its type. Body Slam: Obtained from a tutor on Rainbow Island 4. Swords Dance: Obtained from a man located on the pier of Rainbow Island 7. Note: Some of these moves can be taught multiple times, others only once. So choose wisely. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Pokemon Fire Red cheat codes.
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